Are you looking for the best skateparks in California?
Well, you’ve come to the right place as we have an extensive list of California Skateparks!
We list indoor, outdoor, free, paid, concrete, wood and skatelite skate parks in California.
With Skateboarding entering the Olympics for the first time in 2020 (2021!) there’s been a huge increase in popularity for skateboarding and people searching for skateparks in California.
Table of Contents
Where to find skate parks In California(CA).
You’ve probably tried searching for something like;
‘Best Skateparks in California’, ‘California Skateparks’, ‘California Skate Parks’, ‘Skateparks in (CA)’
This should give you some pretty good results, but if not, we’ve got a directory of skate parks in (CA).
California Skate Park Directory
You can try our online directory, which has a list of skate parks in California;
People often leave comments or reviews in our comments section where users can leave reviews about the skatepark.
Remember, we can’t always moderate the results we show, but they might be a good starting point to narrow down some of the best skateparks in California.
Skateparks in California Google Map
You can also power the harness of Google Maps to find nearby Skateparks in California.
If the map above isn’t working for you then there may not be any Skateparks listed on Google maps in California.
Online reviews of skateparks in California
Try googling something like;
Reviews of ‘skatepark name’ + (CA) or Reviews of ‘skatepark name’+ California.
You’ll usually come across a review in the first few search results.
Facebook Groups for skateparks in (CA)
Facebook is great for getting honest reviews of California Skateparks.
Click here to search Facebook groups that discuss skateparks in California.
We’d also encourage you to join our Facebook group here.
Types of Skatepark in California
There tend to be two types of skatepark in California, indoor and outdoor.
Indoor Skateparks in California
California’s indoor skateparks tend to be constructed from wood and include a range of ramps, rails and bowls.
Indoor skate parks in California are usually privately owned and operated so there will most likely be an admission fee that can add up quickly depending on the number of sessions you buy at once.
Indoor skateparks in (CA) will also usually have staff who are first aid trained, which can be a great help.
Outdoor Skateparks in California
California’s outdoor skateparks tend to be constructed from concrete and they will usually have a bank, a rail and sometimes a bowl.
Outdoor skate parks in California are usually free. Free access to these public California skate parks allow anyone willing and confident enough to give this sport ago.
However, because these (CA) skateparks are free they also tend not to be staffed, which means if you need assistance for any reason, you’ll be relying on your friends at the skatepark as opposed to a trained professional.
Can You Recommend a Good Skatepark In California?
We hope you’ve found this site helpful when searching for skateparks in California((CA)).
If you know of a great skatepark in California, please do let us know in the comments below.
Whereabouts in California was the skate park, what was the skate parks name?
It really helps others who are searching for a skatepark in the California area if they can read honest reviews from skaters like yourself.